I honestly have no idea what this week's blog post is supposed to be about. I have fleeting memories of Stephanie saying something about our blog post, but it was while we were all shuffling our stuff. Thus, I didn't hear what she said and it appears that no one else did either. However, it appears that most people are writing about research again, so I will continue with that topic.
Thankfully this blog allows me to speak freely so I am going to be honest about our research paper assignment: I think it is really ridiculous that are topic has to relate to something with writing. Don't get me wrong, I love writing. I like to write; however, using writing as a topic for a several-page paper sounds simply awful. In the real world, not everything relates back to writing. Isn't it enough that we are incorporating writing into our research papers by WRITING it? I had a unique and interesting topic that could relate to most of the class but because it has little to do with writing, I can't use it.
Our class even read in our textbook that students do better on research papers when they are writing about a topic we enjoy. Writing about writing creates so many topic constriction, that I feel as if my topic has already been chosen for me. I just don't know what direction to take the guideline of writing about writing, and it makes me frustrated and not a happy camper. Can't I write about something that interests me? We will be dealing with these papers for over two months, and I don't know how I will keep my sanity while creating a paper that bores me and most likely won't interest my audience.
I too did not remember what we had to do for this blog post. I kind of went off what you wrote and just pulled stuff out of my butt. But i do agree with a lot of stuff that you said. Like the two months thing. I don't see how were going to be able to do this for two months. My topic doesn't really have that much stuff on it to begin with. And i really don't like that it has to be about writing. that part kind of confuses me and im not really sure how to do that. this paper will not be one of my better ones but Stephanie gave me the idea so it should be okay right? and i don't even know who my audience will be. that's freakin me out too. If i don't know who im writing to then i have NO idea what im writing about.