Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Friday, and I'm In a Pickle

It's Friday and I should be happy because I am done with classes for the day and the weekend has finally arrived. However, my English class has cast a shadow over my sunny plans for the weekend. I was terribly sick earlier in the week, so I missed class on Wednesday. Thus, making me unaware that our "This I Believe" rough draft essays were due today. To add to my disappointment and surprise, I find out that we are to also upload these essays to Blackboard, revise three other papers, and fill out a form for peer review. And my essay still remains unwritten. In fact, I have not decided on a specific topic yet. Help.


  1. this was pretty much me friday, but i'm acutally a little worse: i didn't forget, i just put it off. i didn't even get back to my dorm until 3:30 to begin writing. whoops. i'm sure next time we'll both do better, eh?

  2. all that homework was overwhelming but i' m finishing it a lot faster than i thought!
